How to toilet train your puppy in 5 easy steps

House training a puppy does not happen overnight but is not as difficult as you may think. Some puppies will learn quicker than others, what works for one dog may not necessarily work for another. One thing is for certain though all puppies can be trained with some patience, love and caring.
At the beginning puppies will do what comes natural to them and that is to wee in a nice spot away from where their bed is located. You need to remember that there’s nothing devious or mischievous about what you puppy does, it’s simply acting on instinct. You puppy though can be taught many things, one being to relieve itself where you would like it to and this can be done in a short space of time.

When I brought my puppy home it was one of the most exciting times for me and guess who else, my new puppy and it didn’t take long before I found a wet corner in the lounge room. This probably happened around 20 times, each time in a different part of the house until it learnt that there was really no place it could pee or poo inside the house. So, all in all, it took a short 2 weeks to toilet train my puppy, but as I said earlier this can and will be different for each puppy. 

Below are some pointers that you can implement to make a smooth transition to toilet train your puppy.

1. Expectation:

Always keep in the forefront of your mind that you can and will teach your puppy to pee and poo in a specified area of your choosing, but it will take some patience on your part. There’s no point getting angry each time you see an accident and get frustrated with puppy and yourself. Keep in mind that your puppy will want to relieve themselves often at the beginning so little accidents will occur with frequency so staying calm will benefit you and puppy.

2. Designate a spot: 

Now you know what to expect it’s time to designate a spot for puppy to relieve itself. Use a newspaper to begin with and place it at the designated spot preferably outside but I know some people use litter trays inside the house but this can get a bit smelly over time. Let’s assume you have used a litter tray and place it outside in a dry area. Once you designate the spot, spend some time around the litter tray either playing, grooming or patting your puppy. If you spend enough time with your puppy around the litter tray you may be lucky enough that your puppy decides to wee, this is great because as soon as you see this pick up your puppy and put him or her on the litter tray. If on the other hand you see this happening inside the house just pick up puppy and place them on the litter tray. Do this a few times and you will be surprised how quickly they learn.

If an accident occurs in the house, and it will, make sure to clean the area thoroughly and to use deodorizer to remove as much of the smell as possible. This is very important as your pooch relies heavily on smell. After cleaning the mess take puppy to the litter tray and use a word such as ‘wee wee’ or something to that effect. They will associate this word to the act of pooing or weeing.

3. Regular walks:

Have several times set at evenly spaced intervals where you take puppy for a walk. For me it was morning, lunch and evening. It’s also a good idea to take them out just before bed time to get them through the night.

It will help also to take puppy outside after they have finished eating, if they look agitated, sniffing constantly or walking around in circles, just be vigilant in learning the warning signs, this will go a long way to teaching your puppy quickly.

4. Reward:

When you see your puppy go outside to relieve themselves then this is a good time to give them reward, just small treat is fine and/or a good patting after they finish. You won’t have to do this for ever just until they form the habit. As you may already know that using the reward method you can teach your puppy just about anything.

5. Persistence:

There will be times when your puppy regresses, just when you think your making major progress you see a poo on the carpet AGAIN! Well this is when persistence is needed just do what you have already been doing and your efforts will reap success. It’s just a matter of time before your new puppy is fully house trained and there will never be an accident again. 


You will spend many happy years with your new pooch and training them to relieve themselves where you would like them to is only one of the many trials and tribulations you will encounter. Over time you will create a bond and understanding that comes with good relationships.
Here are some of the many things that you may encounter with your new best friend

Barking constantly
Digging the garden
Obeying commands
Running away
Chewing the furniture
Eating poop
And many many more.....

Yelling and using shock collars is not the solution. 

The solution is to get involved with a professional trainer that’s experienced  and has had great results. The problem is that this can get expensive so I strongly suggest you get in touch with Doggy Dan, he is and online Dog Trainer, he has a wealth of experience and success for every issue you can imagine.

Discovere how Doggy Dan can help you and your pooch create a lasting and happy relationship

See him in action by watching the video

Puppy comes home

How exciting it must be to bring your new puppy home. I remember the first day I brought the little guy home.

I will be posting more content soon on how I trained my puppy to pee in the right place.